My areas of interest and some of the things I have worked on

Really interested in light current part of Electrical Engineering, mainly telecommunications and microwaves

Looking forward to working with microcontrollers and creating really interesting projects so that I will grow my skills
Some of the activities I have participated in have been illustrated here.

Activities carried out during the 2021 attachment period

Research Activities

Here we shall see research on some technologies in the industry as well as some topics of interest to engineers all over the world.


A brief overview of the projects done in order to cement the theoretical knowledge acquired over the years. The projects are aimed to show the fun side of engineering.

Fun activities

All work with no play makes Jack a dull boy. Some light moments were shared with team members and all the instructors.


A big part of Engineering is the pitching of ideas. Here we see some of the best ever ideas of Engineering presented to panelists.

Alright lets go

Github vs Git

The Git in Github- is an open source version control system created by Linus Torvalds – the creator of Linux.Open source means of ,or relating to a product which is licensed to permit modifications and redistribution of its source code, as per The open Source Definition.

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